Thursday, January 13, 2011

Music Behind The Movies

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When I study, write, or simply sit and let my mind to take a walk; I listen the wordless poignance of film scores. Many people listen to Bach or Mozart while cooking their brain soup,  but for me it's not enough. Granted, I will stumble upon a quality piano solo, or violin quartet on Pandora, but film scores contain a certain emotion they want to evoke in the audience, an emotion they want you to feel and react to for that specific part of the film. For me, when I mix an intense piece like "Molossus," from The Dark Knight; with a calmer piece like " The Inside Out,” from Cinderella Man, it stirs thoughts around in my mind up. I think a film can afford to be slightly shitty, as long as the score makes up for what the visuals cannot do. Some of my favorite films have caught my interest and kept hold simply because I could feel the film to a much higher degree thanks to a well-made score. So, when I am writing I will listen to a score or collection of songs that act as a satellite; relaying an emotion from their particular film to my mind. This emotion then pin-balls around my mind until finally splashing in to my writing. (I provided the two previously mentioned examples  in the top right gadget.)

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